ETH 321 OUTLET Imagine Your Future / ETH 321 OUTLET Imagine Your Future /eth321outlet. | Page 15

• oral agreements may be used to change a final written contract if the f inal written contract isn't exactly conforming to the pre- contract agreements. • written contracts with ambiguous terms are automatically void and ca nnot be corrected. • written agreements may be used to change a final written contract if t he final written contract isn't exactly conforming to the pre- contract agreements 2- LLPs were created to • Increase the duration of the business entity permitted under LLC stat utes. • Provide limited protections for general partners increasing protections offered by LLCs. • Ease the costs and filing requirements present with LLCs. • limit taxation burdens existing in LLCs 3- Stan is an investment manager. He has received money from various i nvestors with a promise of very high returns on their investments. The invested money is not supplying enough capital in order to pay the retu rns promised so he has started using new investor's money to pay older investors. By advertising and by word of mouth, people are anxious to invest with Stan because of the money being paid and with the influx o f new investors he is able to continue operating. Stan is • operating an insider trading operation. • guilty of conspiracy to defraud. • racketeering. • operating a Ponzi scheme