ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/ ETH 321 OUTLET Future Starts Here/ | Page 5

• Religion
Ethical formalists maintain that :
• the good of the many always supersedes the good of the few .
• harm to an individual is allowable as long as it serves a greater good .
• harm to individual rights is never justified by an increase in organizati onal or common good .
• values are situational and change based on circumstance .
The classification of crime is based on ________.
• punishment imposed if convicted
• prior record
• location
• the judge ' s prerogative
Which of the following issues of administrative agencies relates to the substantive outcome of agencies ’ rulemaking and adjudicating authority ?
• The administrative process is overwhelmed with paperwork and meetin gs .
• Enforcement of some laws varies over time .
• The reward system usually does not make a significant distinction betw een excellent , mediocre , and poor performance .