ETH 316 help A Clearer path to student success/ ETH 316 help A Clearer path to student success/uop | Page 7

crime even if only one employee breaks the law. (True/False) 9. Most business managers rely on a deontological approach. (True/False) 10. Although all of the philosophical approaches have limitations, an individual must choose two and follow their guidance in every situation. (True/False) 11. Generally ethical dilemmas are not routine. Therefore, there is a way that an individual can be prepared or informed for a problem ahead of time. (True/False) 12. If an individual does not recognize that he or she is facing an ethical dilemma, then moral judgment is likely to occur. (True/False) 13. Ethical conflict is almost exclusively influenced by individual differences. (True/False) 14. There are no major differences in levels of moral reasoning between men and women. (True/False) 15. Which of the following is true? a. Moral reasoning cannot be increased through training. b. A more-principled individual is more likely to cheat. c. When an organizations’ leader is characterized by high moral development, the entire ethica l climate of the organization is weaker. d. Employee satisfaction and commitment are related to the leader’s moral development. 16. Research has shown that the best way to encourage ethical behavior is to creat e an organizational culture that is built to enhance employee engagement. (True/False) 17. One of a manager’s least important