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============================================== ETH 125 Week 5 Assignment Historical Report on Race FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . eth125mentor . com

============================================== ETH 125 Week 5 Assignment Historical Report on Race FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . eth125mentor . com

ETH 125 Week 5 Assignment Historical Report on Race Historical Report on Race
Search the Internet for groups and organizations promoting racial equality to help you complete this assignment . You may also refer to the Internet Resource Directory in Ch . 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups .
Using the information from the text and your web search , identify one racial group from the list below :
African American Asian American Middle Eastern American Hispanic American / Latino Native American
Write and post a 750- to 1,050-word paper from one of the perspectives below :
A historian writing about the racial group in a book chapter
A news reporter writing a newspaper article or blog entry about the racial group