Esteemed Magazines February-March 2008 | Page 2

Managing Editor Wangari Kimani Advertising Executives Frederick Mwarangu Nahashon Mithanga Contributors Winnie Mwangi Design and Photography Frederick Rukungu Nahashon Mithanga Distribution & Circulation Eagle Afric Holdings Ltd. Published by: Eagle Afric Holdings Ltd. P.O. Box 24329, Karen 00502 Tel: +254 020 3597825 E-mail: [email protected] Copyright Information Esteemed is a bi-monthly magazine published by Eagle Afric Holdings Ltd. Views expressed in the articles and contributions are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. While every reasonable effort has been made and precautions taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the content herein, neither the Esteemed team, nor its advertisers, nor printers can accept responsibility for any damages or inconvenience that may arise there from. The views expressed within the publication are those of the authors exclusively and not necessarily those of the Esteemed owners. Any material sent to us will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and may or may not be acknowledged as receipted. This material will also be subject to scrutiny for unrestricted editing and commentary at the discretion of the Editorial team. Hi, Welcome to this edition of Esteemed. First we thank God that we as a world, continent, region, country and as individuals have gotten into the year 2008 with grace and good health. As Kenyans, we have gone through one of the most challenging political events some of us have experienced and to see peace, we appreciate that it doesn’t come easy; and we should never take it for granted. At Esteemed, we are proud to have more than a business in our hands. We have a family working together with passion and dedication, knowing that it is to benefit generations to come. Esteemed has taken a trip to Seychelles - God’s paradise on earth, we have watched people work in big corporations, seen head hunting at its best. Bottomline, we have had a rollercoaster time in the past three months. We have also gone through some restructuring and look forward to giving you an improved Esteemed for us all to enjoy. In this edition we get in touch with the working mother who has to be a mother, wife, employee and entrepreneur all in one day, every day. Our human relations and customer relations segments are full of good tips that would apply to any business and our quiet time is heavy with a message of forgiveness and reconciliation. This country is more than just a few of us and our individual ambitions. We take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful new year. May your resolutions and desires come to fruition. Where success comes our way, let us grow more; where failure opens its door to us, let us walk away from or through it with invaluable lessons learnt. Where opportunity knocks and lingers, go for it with all that you’ve got. Enjoy being Esteemed! Wangari All content, including adverts created by Esteemed are Copyright of Eagle Afric Holdings Ltd. and may not be recreated in part or in whole without prior consent of the publishers. Copyright © Car on sale Contents Model: Toyota, Levin; Engine: 1.6l; YOM: 1993; Mileage: 140000; Previous Owners: 1; Other Features: Manual, 5Speed, 3-Door, Central Locking, A/C; Availability: Immediate Contact: 0720-838446 Employment vs. Entrepreneurship Page 3 Principles of success Page 4 Investing Wisely Page 6 Perspectives Human Relations Page 7 Customer Relations Page 9 Quiet Time Page 11