Estate Living Magazine The Slow Movement - Issue 39 March 2019 | Page 65

G O O D L I F E R Slow food in Slow Town Started early this century, the Wild Oats Community Farmers’ Market was one of the pioneers of the farmers’ market concept in South Africa, and it’s still one of the biggest and best. Unlike many ‘farmers’ markets,’ Wild Oats has remained true to its founding ethos, with a very large proportion of the stallholders being the actual producers of the food on sale. There is artisanal bread, slow-cured charcuterie, organically grown veggies, home-made preserves and small-scale artisanal cheese, home bakes, and – I am prepared to stand by this statement – the best cheesecake in South Africa (if not the world). And, while the market is the epicentre, and possibly the initial inspiration, for the slow food movement in Sedgefield, you’ll find that many of the restaurants in town operate on the same principle.