EssLeadershipMag_Issue45_Torres_Cover_EU_FINAL | Page 9

“ Believe in your dreams , especially the craziest ones !”— Olga Goddard dining room , laundry room , home office , entry , and kitchen , all covered with dōTERRA products ,” Olga recalls . She experienced moments when the time and effort required felt insurmountable , even with help .
When she reached a breaking point , Olga ’ s upline reminded her of something important : her team put their trust in her and cherished the products she was working so hard to get to them . At the end of the day , she knew what she was doing mattered . “ It was worth it .”
No matter what , Olga knew she couldn ’ t give up . She leaned on her team , her family , and her own belief when discouragement struck . When she wanted to quit , her loved ones helped her get back on her feet , push forward , and continue sharing essential oils with those in need .
After watching her stick with her dream through thick and thin , Olga ’ s team knew she wouldn ’ t quit , no matter the challenge . “ They ’ ve seen me put my whole heart and soul into supporting them and into finding solutions to the problems we ’ ve encountered along the way . They know I believe in them , I believe in Russia , I believe in dōTERRA , and I believe that anything is possible with enough determination .”
When she first started building her business , Olga had a clear vision of how she wanted to grow her team . Her vision was so strong that she sometimes became forceful in her leadership approach . So she changed things up ! If she could go back and give herself some advice , here ’ s what she would say :
Slow down and focus on the person in front of you .
Learn about distinct strengths and talents .
Olga ’ s vision for her business remains clear . Everything she ’ s experienced with her dōTERRA business — the good and the bad — and her belief in the power of the products give her confidence in her ability to conquer any obstacle . “ It doesn ’ t matter what happens . I ’ m ready .”
Set aside your vision for the future successes of team members and embrace their hopes .
Step back and let your leaders find their own paths when needed .
Listen to the amazing individuals who were guided to your team .
Take a deep breath and go one step at a time .
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 9