EssLeadershipMag_Issue45_Torres_Cover_EU_FINAL | Page 10


Meghan Harlow





When Meghan first said yes to building a dōTERRA ® business , she was experiencing the most difficult season of her life . She says , “ I was a recently divorced single mother . I had a seven-year-old son and was pregnant with my second son . The divorce was anything but easy , and I needed to get away fast . I walked away from everything .” Meghan continues , “ What I want to highlight is what an incredible opportunity dōTERRA can offer to absolutely anyone who ’ s willing to simply show up , love , and share . You don ’ t have to be pictureperfect to change lives . You don ’ t have to have it all together . You just have to be willing to keep showing up .”

Since the beginning , Meghan has worked hard and practiced commitment to her business while raising her children . “ I ’ ve quite literally built my business with littles climbing all over me . I ’ d have to get them set up in the corner of the room so I could teach or bounce babies to sleep while leading a circle . I ’ ve done calls while giving baths and had so many late nights on my computer . But all the craziness seems minimal for the return of the number of lives that can be touched and the kind of life I ’ m able to create for my family .”
As it has for many , 2020 brought unique challenges for Meghan . She joined Diamond Club in the 2020 season , and though she knew it would be difficult , she had no idea what was really in store . Diamond Club began in March , and for
Meghan and her family it also began with health issues . Despite valiant attempts to stay well , the long , sleepless nights of pacing the floor to help her baby sleep left Meghan ’ s health compromised . For the first two weeks of Diamond Club , Meghan and her children all took their turns with their health concerns . Just as they were feeling well again , the lockdowns and school closures started . “ I needed to figure out how on Earth to juggle two different grade-level needs while caring for the baby and keeping up my Diamond Club classes .” And on top of everything , they also had a major home renovation going on .
Through it all , Meghan remained committed to finishing Diamond Club . She says , “ I don ’ t think anyone could ’ ve properly prepared me for just how hard it was going to be , but I made it . I made a commitment to myself to at least complete all the minimum Diamond Club requirements , and in the end I actually finished in the fourth-place prize tier !”
One of the biggest takeaways Meghan has gleaned from her experiences is the importance of clarity and commitment . “ It ’ s critical to have absolute clarity in what you ’ re creating . It ’ s incredibly difficult to leap forward with ambiguity . So decide with all your might and vision exactly what it is you want . Then give thanks every single day for that vision . When we have clarity , everything has a magical way of aligning .”
2020 Image by Lindy Browning-Fernandez