building a dōTERRA business is overcoming your limiting beliefs . I work with my leaders so they can see their potential to grow their businesses in a way that ’ s unique to them . When we dig into our Why and start to dream , we see our strengths , and that ’ s when we soar .”
When Kari graduated with her degree in education , she never imagined that a continual income potential would be possible in her future . Now , thanks to her dōTERRA business , Kari can be home with her kids and do what she loves and is passionate about . “ People don ’ t dream big enough . This work is faith-strengthening and can fulfill our most amazing dreams !”
“ This world needs essential oils , and the people in your life need you to get them into their hands .”— Kari Davis
Kari understands the importance of speaking , teaching , and leading in her own way . “ Early on in my business , I made a terrible mistake : I started mimicking what I saw other leaders doing and didn ’ t use my unique strengths and leadership voice . When I remembered my passion for teaching and helping guide others to find their unique voices , I not only was re-energized , but I also hit Diamond !”
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 45