Tammy Braye
Do the Hard Thing
No success story is free of challenges , and Tammy ’ s dōTERRA ® story is no different . Since she began , Tammy has supported struggling builders , pushed herself to learn new skills , and worked through personal challenges in her own life . It hasn ’ t been easy . But she ’ s found success through choosing to do the hard thing to better herself and her team . She does this through consistently challenging herself to grow and be better .
For Tammy , prioritizing team members is an important part of being a leader . When times have gotten tough , Tammy has done everything possible to support her team . In the past , that ’ s meant stepping up when a builder was experiencing health challenges or motivating teammates who have become discouraged . Tammy has found that one of the best ways to support struggling team members is to relate to how they ’ re feeling . “ I remember what it felt like to be stuck , and I take responsibility for helping guide builders to regain their passion .” By drawing on her own experiences , Tammy inspires and leads her team from a place of empathy and strength .
Tammy has also chosen to do the hard thing when it comes to personal growth . As she was progressing , Tammy realized there were aspects of the business she was avoiding because they were outside of her comfort zone — something many people struggle with . A common example Tammy gives is the fear of using technology to share her business .
Trying new things in order to grow can be daunting and intimidating . But Tammy believes that , with some patience and determination , you can reach any goal you set your mind to .
“ If I can do it , anyone can !” She ’ s learned to embrace the opportunity to master new skills . “ A tip I ’ d offer is to stay active in your quest . I ’ ve found that the best way to do that is to challenge yourself . Set your mind to learn to do the things you have avoided .” Tammy feels that her team continues to inspire her to become a better leader . “ Now that my team depends on me more and more , I see myself rising to work harder and more diligently .”
Tammy has come a long way on her dōTERRA journey . By choosing to do the hard things , whether that ’ s meant supporting struggling team members or pushing herself outside of her comfort zone , she ’ s been able to find happiness and purpose in her dōTERRA business . “ Learning to wisely invest in my business has been a joy !” She looks forward to new opportunities to learn and grow .
Looking back on her journey growing her dōTERRA business , Tammy wishes she ’ d realized earlier the importance of following up with her contacts . She knows from experience that following up can be an intimidating part of finding customers . In the early stages of building her business , Tammy struggled with confidently reaching out and keeping track of prospective customers . She describes it as a block she had difficulty getting past .
But Tammy soon discovered it just took practice stepping out of your comfort zone . “ If I could go back , I ’ d tell myself to stop believing the subconscious fears that paralyzed me .”
As she ’ s gained experience , Tammy has learned just how critical following up is when finding new leads . “ Follow up is actually as important as making contacts .” Tammy now takes a more organized approach to developing new leads . She gives confident customer service and brings her customers and builders into a system of support . Tammy encourages others to push past their fears and recognize that they ’ re giving potential leads the support and encouragement they need to reach their goals .
40 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I OCT | NOV | DEC 2020 * Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .