Essex Girl April 2014 | Page 3



It's not just calories you have to look out for.

There are all sorts of nasties that can assist weight gain for you that you didnt even know exsisted. Transfats, Salts, Sugar, Saturated fat. The list goes on. The only person who knows the ins and outs of these completely is Gillian McKeith, and look what good it did her in the jungle. Have some Bacon Gill.


The Mirrors in the Gym make you look awful. On Purpose.

Those wiley little Gym interior designers know what they are doing you know. Even if there is no trickery involved, it would be hard for ANYONE not to be self conscious looking at themselves in 360 degree view. So don't feel like you are the only one.


All of the celebrities you envy have personal trainers and nutritionists.

Not to mention all the time in the world to exercise. Seriously, they have ALL day to go spinning, swimming and slimming. We dont. We have to fit in full time jobs as well as the gym, and do not have an unlimited budget for Salmon and Cous Cous.

If you are going to change your diet ALWAYS consult your doctor first.You can visit the NHS website for guidelines on a balanced diet here:

Kate Moss once famously said 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels'. She has obviously never tried McDonalds cheese melt dippers. Or Caramel shortbreads from the bakers. Or salt and vinegar hula hoops. Or Freddo's. Malteasers or Minstrels. Sorry, I am not being very encouraging am I?