Essentials Magazine Essentials Summer 2019 | Page 19

LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Intentional Space Design Above: A flexible learning environment at the Saunalahti School. Left: Real time energy use data displayed at the entry to the Kolla School grouping of classrooms or “village” features large windows at varying heights, interior glazing that allows visual connections between class- rooms, a group work area with built- in furniture, mobile workstations for individual instruction and an adjust- able height smart board to accom- modate students in wheelchairs. school to demonstrate how architecture can enhance the student’s relationship to education. As we walked Mats said it best; “A well designed school will make the students feel good. When students feel good they will perform better aca- demically.” Inclusion of special needs students is the design focus of the educational wings. Kolla School has a high per- centage of special needs students and the educational wings are designed to integrate these students with their peers while providing the sense of security they need to be successful. A typical Different but the Same Designers and educators can make large impacts on the experience of stu- dents with minor interventions. In the United States today we face very differ- ent hurdles than our European col- leagues in securing our schools, but we are all seeking the same goal of provid- ing the best educational environment MAX MCCLOSKEY will be presenting “Cutting-Edge Scandinavian Schools: A Design Research Mission” on Friday, October 25 during EDspaces 2019. possible for our students. Innovative design thinking and collaboration with educators will provide the revolution- ary solutions necessary to benefit the next generation of great thinkers. The classroom we grew up in is dead. n For a full account of the trip and detailed analysis of all the schools vis- ited please check out Max’s travel blog at: MAX MCCLOSKEY is an Associate and Project Architect with Humphries Poli Architects in Denver, Colorado. Max is a leader of the firm’s education practice, specializing in the Master Plan- ning and design of K-12 facilities. essentials | 19