Essentials Magazine Essentials Spring 2019 | Page 15
Beat the Competition
the way we gather information, the way
we buy it has all changed. And while it
may be funny to think about sitting at
home in our underwear ordering things
online, that fact remains that this econ-
omy is like none of us have ever lived in,
worked in, let alone try to sell education
products in before.
That makes this a marketplace
where no matter how unique, spectacu-
lar or amazing we believe our products
or services are, they are just our ticket
to entry. Without a strong product you
don’t even get to compete in today’s
marketplace. But products are only half
of what is drawing the business to you,
and even less of what keeps customers
coming back.
If you want to thrive in today’s mar-
ketplace, thrive in uncertainty, you must
understand less about what you do and
more about how you do it.
to Thrive in Uncertainty
1. Embrace Reality — Wouldn’t
it be great if someone would ride in on
a white horse or click their heels three
times and stabilize our economy? Let
me be the first to say, “That ain’t gonna
Our society, our culture, is literally
going through a transition that is bring-
ing about extreme change at all levels
in the marketplace and with it a whole
new way of doing business. If you want
to succeed, embrace your new reality.
What made you successful in 2018 is not
going to be enough to make you suc-
cessful in 2019.
2. Focus on Values — Welcome
to the age of integrity and the economy
where what you do is as important, if not
more important, than what you say. As a
professional you need to know who you
are and what you stand for in order to
attract, retain, and truly deepen client
Today’s consumers want and expect
more. With so much competition, and so
many choices, your customers are looking
for more than a great product; they are
looking for a professional they can trust
— people and companies they can build
relationships with. If you want to thrive
in uncertainty you need to define your
values and integrate them into every level
of your business development strategy.
3. Build Your Image — In today’s
marketplace you need to realize the
sales cycle starts without you. When you
set down to read this article, while you
were finishing the first paragraph, your
best customers, your prospects already
started the buying cycle. Right now, they
are online Googling for ideas, they are
heading to a meeting to talk with other
educators, or they are reading industry
magazines where guru and experts are
making recommendations. If your name
is not coming up, if your company is not
the one they are talking about, then by
the time you make the sales call you are
already behind.
Thriving in uncertainty is about un-
derstanding you must build your reputa-
tion and create buzz in the marketplace
so you can attract the business before
you ask for the business.
4. Invest in Relationships — The
only reason prospects choose you over
the competition, the only reason cus-
tomers come back is because they know
you, they like you and they trust you.
Your ability to thrive in uncertainty is
directly tied to your ability to build rela-
tionships. But not relationships like you
have known in the past — relationships
on steroids. You need to create a pros-
pect experience that is so amazing they
do not think they can find it anywhere
else and then proactively add value to
your existing customers so they believe
they cannot live without you.
5. Get Your Head Out of The
Sand — There is more going on in this
economy than what is happening in your
business. In the age of uncertainty there
are far more changes happening outside
of your business that could impact your
success then are happening in it.
To thrive you need to routinely get
your head out of the sand and look
around. Every three or four months, get
together with your team or your peers
and ask: What is happening in the world
around you? What is changing with con-
sumers? How is your industry respond-
ing and growing? What is happening
politically? What societal trends could
positively or negatively impact your
business? Understanding, proactively,
what is happening in the bigger picture
puts you in the power seat to minimize
challenges and seize on opportunity.
You know change is coming so see it
as creating opportunity. If you keep your
head in the sand change becomes your
biggest threat.
Today’s marketplace is nothing if not
challenging, but I still believe it is one of
the best times to be in business, and one
of the best to be successful. By using
these strategies: Embrace Reality, Focus
on Values, Build Your Image, Invest in
Relationships and Get Your Head Out
of The Sand, you will position your team
to thrive in uncertainty and succeed no
matter what this economy does. n
One of The Top 15 Business Growth Ex-
perts to Watch,
and A Top 40
Speaker. Me-
ridith shares
the strategies
you need to
today’s market-
place and put
yourself in a position to Thrive in Uncer-
tainty. To learn more, get free trips, and talk
with Meridith about your challenges, email:
[email protected].
Want to Learn More on This Topic? Meredith will be speaking at
the Educational Distribution Symposium on October 22 at EDspaces.
essentials | 15