ESOL Course Information (Test) | Page 2

Introduction This is a pre-intermediate course designed to improve your reading and writing skills as well as develop your listening and speaking skills. The aim is to help you understand the English language required to further a career in a specialised subject or gain employment. All of the courses will start on 02 September 2013 and end on the 14 June 2014. Entry Requirements The entry requirement will depend on your level of English. At the interview you were asked to sit the Cambridge Quick Placement Test (QPT) and complete an English Language writing assessment so that we can help determine the correct level for you. At pre-intermediate level you will be expected to have a basic level of English with a minimum of 35 points on the Cambridge QPT or completed an SQA Access 2 course at Beginner level. The table below has additional information regarding levels across most qualification frameworks. Duration of Course and Location The course lasts for one academic year on a full-time basis and runs from September to June. Bursary funding is available for eligible applicants who have come to the UK to work and are presently working. If you want full time funding you must be classes as a ‘migrant worker’, this means you have a job here and you must continue to work for the duration of your studies. To prove you are working you would need to apply and have status under the Workers Registration Scheme and evidence from an employer and a National Insurance Number. If you were to apply as a ‘non-migrant worker’ your ‘European’ status would allow you to apply for a bursary that would cover course costs only. You will be timetabled for an average of 18 hours per week over 36 weeks. Regulations for 2011 have changed for students progressing into mainstream courses. Please see Audrey Smith as this may affect your bursary. Career Opportunities If you have completed the pre-intermediate course at Intermediate 1 level you can do a further year at ESOL on the Intermediate 2 course. If you have successful completion of the Intermediate 2 course it may lead to a place on an NC course of HNC course in your subject area. The course will prepare you for future study at FE or University. Absence Reporting K.danaher@dundeeandang – Team Administrator – 432612. 1. It is important that you contact the team administrator as soon as you know you will be absent. You can do this by telephone or email. 2. The administrator will inform your Course Leader that you are absent and she will let the lecturers know. 3. Immediately when you return you must complete an absence and sickness form. You can collect this from Student Services