El dimecres 12 de febrer vam anar els nens de l’ escola Catalunya al casal de Mira-sol per veure un teatre en anglès titulat “Time Travellers”.
La van representar dues noies i un noi de la companyia “Blue Mango”.
L'obra va ser molt divertida i ben realitzada, però en els canvis d’escena la il·luminació hauria de baixar per ocultar els canvis dels decorats .
Us recomanem aquest espectacle perquè és molt divertit i és una iniciativa per aprendre bé l’anglès.
Preguntes “Blue Mango”
- We have seen that your website has three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English. If you work in the Basque country, why this language doesn’t appear on the website?
- We rarely go to the Basque Country and the people who work on the web don't know Basque, that's why the website is only in Spanish, Catalan and English.
-The fifteen people that appear on your web are all the members of Blue Mango?
- No, on the webpage only appear the actors and directors, there are other members who don't appear (i.e: make-up artists).
-Why did you name your company “Blue Mango”?
- Those who founded the company chose the name because it was funny and it sounded well.
-How is that people from different countries have joined the same company?
- Because it was a coincidence, we are all English teachers and act in English as well.
"Time travellers"