ERT Spring 2017 ERT Spring 2017 | Page 4

John Blaskhliw Commodore .
We have now 20 safety ladders fitted to the end of mooring stagings and another 10 have now been made that will be fitted at our next working party . We also have plans to put bank side safety ladders on the piling that are not fixed but can be moved to another location when required .
At going to press we only have a couple of narrow beam vacancies on the club . This year we interviewed 17 people
so we will be establishing a waiting list . That ’ s great news , now we are almost a full club . At the beginning of last year , we had 16 empty spaces .
As a last note . Dave Beresford , our local volunteer lock keeper has informed me that Sawley Lock will be manned 7 days a week from the 14 th of April 2017 for the season . So happy boating in the coming year .

John Blaskhliw Commodore .

Cloned Boat .

Amember of Stoke on Trent Boat club was recently asked by

C & RT if he had sold his boat as it had been seen unlicensed by an enforcement officer in London .
His boat was sitting on its home mooring on the Caldon Canal . The boat in London had the same registration number and name . Not an unusual occurrence , licence evasion being the objective . This scam is now much harder with nationwide boat checkers and a computerised database .
Do watch out for someone claiming to have a mooring at your club to avoid being treated as a culprit . Again now much harder and probably pointless as those with moorings must abide by Club Rules whilst away from the mooring .