Vol. 34 Nos. 3-4 (July-December 2013)
EROPA Bulletin
improving the competencies of staff and personnel.
Governability (Management)... He particularly looked into the following: 1)
performance appraisal for managers; 2) performance
(From page 28)
enhancement by providing performance-based
licensing services in the Sragen district in Indonesia.
incentives; 3) implications of performance
Dr. Indrayani presented the organizational structure
management on human resource development; and 4)
and procedures in the sub-district governments,
improving competencies of managers in choosing the
and the role of the sub-districts as prime movers of
right personnel.
bureaucratic reform. She iterated that the management
innovation or “paten” is mandated by the Ministry of
Professor Hirai delved into two perspectives of
Home Affairs to simplify and make more efficient the
performance appraisal: organizational performance,
administrative procedures in sub-district government
on one hand, and individual career official, on the
institutions. She asserted that incorporating
other. In view of these perspectives, Hirai said that
information and communications technology (ICT)
to improve organizational performance, the systems
into the “Paten”, thus creating “SIMPATEN”,
that make the institution work effectively, as well
translates to efficiency in public management.
as the means by which personnel contribute to the
goals of the organization should be considered. He
Three sub-districts, namely: Ngerampal, Gemolong
mentioned several management theories that he
and Plupuh, served as study sites for Dr. Indrayani’s
deemed applicable with human resource development
study. She found that there is a conflict in operations
initiatives in OECD countries. These theories,
between the new management information system
according to Professor Hirai, give an idea of how
and the old system of SIMPATEN. Dr. Indrayani
personnel performance is evaluated or assessed.
stressed the need to improve budget allocation to
Meanwhile, Professor Hirai voiced out his concerns on
support both the old and the new systems. She also
performance appraisal in OECD countries. He noted
noted that staff complement should be augmented, and
that financial incentives, i.e. performance-related pay
that the sub-district governments should implement
(PRP), can only do much to encourage employees
capacity-building initiatives for personnel. Lastly,
to perform better in the workplace. Prof. Hirai
Dr. Indrayani suggested that the local government
emphasized that other factors such as opportunities
should work with academic institutions and private
for career development, have more impact on the
companies for the implementation of SIMPATEN,
employees’ performance. Based on the documented
and the citizen awareness, participation and education
insights and experiences from the Network on
should be broadened to raise competencies of endPerformance and Employment of the OECD Public
users. She noted that the experience of the Sragen
Governance Committee, Prof. Hirai concluded that
district in using SIMPATEN can be replicated in other
performance appraisal and management in the OECD
districts in Indonesia.
region has yielded positive outcomes. Meanwhile, he
suggested that in order for these initiatives to become
Performance Management and Human Resource
effective, institutions must pay attention to goal and
Development - The Experience of OECD countries
objective setting.
and its implication for
Asia and the Pacific
Effective Public Administration and Governance
of the Local Government as a Strategy for Tourism
Professor Bunzo Hirai
Development: The Case of the Local Government
of Asia University in
Unit of Naga City, Philippines
Japan discussed in his
paper the significance
Dr. Malu C. Barcillano of the Ateneo de Naga
of performance
University, Philippines discussed the role of public
management and
administration and
(Continued on the next page)
evaluation in