28 EROPA Bulletin
Governability (Management)...
(From page 27)
Innovation and Creativity of Public Services in the
Integrated Licensing Services Board of Bandung
Dr. Dayat Hidayat
discussed the ways
by which information
and communication
technology (ICT) is
used to augment the
quality of licensing
services delivered
by the Integrated
Licensing Services
Board (BPPT) in Bandung, Indonesia. Dr. Hidayat
earlier explained that citizen satisfaction is one of the
most important determinants of an effective public
service delivery system. He asserted that the use of
ICT could address citizen satisfaction and contribut to
the performance of local government institutions in a
decentralized government system.
Dr. Hidayat gave an overview of the BPPT,
including its functions, main tasks and services.
He iterated on the use of information technology
(IT) in the management information system (MIS)
implementation. He noted positive changes in the
BPPT after the implementation of IT-based services:
1) revenues from licensing services have increased; 2)
behavior and performanc of staff and personnel have
improved; and 3) a system of checks and balances
was improved, with the citizens now being able to
monitor the progress of BPPT services. Dr. Hidayat
hailed the BPPT as a breakthrough innovation and
recommended that appropriate infrastructures for
ensuring transparency and promotion of the BPPT
should be put in place.
The Role of Municipalities in the Social Security and
Tax Number System
This year, the Japanese government decided to adopt
the social security and tax number system in order
to: 1) enhance social security to serve people who
Vol. 34 Nos. 3-4 (July-December 2013)
truly deserve it; 2) achieve equitable distribution
of the financial burden associated with payment of
taxes; and 3) develop efficiency in both collection
and administration. In
his treatise, Tomohiro
Nomura proposed
that the Japanese
Social Security and
Tax Number System
be implemented
via the cooperation
of municipalities.
He believed that
local officials (i.e.
mayors and governors) will contribute to its success-depending on their respective competencies. He
adds that the system will be beneficial to other local
governments as well since relevant information can
be accessed between and among them. He shared
the delegation of roles among administrative units
and clarified why municipalities play a big role in its
Dr. Andy Al Fatih inquired if there is a prerequisite
for introducing the system particularly at the national
level. According to Mr. Nomura, ten years ago,
citizens were not able to comprehend the network
system. However, today they are beginning to
recognize its importance. Although he confirmed that
the system was originally envisioned to serve local
governments, national government agencies can also
use the network system in order to improve efficiency.
He believed that it can be applied throughout Japan.
Implementation of Management Information System
for Integrated Sub-District Service Administration
(SIMPATEN): The Need or Opportunity?
Dr. Etin Indrayani
looked into the
implementation of
the Management
Information System for
Integrated Sub-District
Service Administration
(SIMPATEN), which
aims to improve