24 EROPA Bulletin
Government (Institutions...)
(From page 23)
administered to 120 respondents showed that more
than half of the participants considered S&T an
important part of the budget. Mr. Aminullah suggested
that Indonesia replicate the level of investments
that other ASEAN countries allot for S&T, and he
encouraged the assistance and contributions of the
private sector to S&T. Mr. Aminullah recommended
that his research study can be expanded to include
not just ASEAN countries but also other EROPA
member institutions and individuals. This, according
to him, would strengthen linkages among EROPA
member countries and organizations. In response to
the question on why the private sector in Indonesia
is hesitant to invest in science and technology, Mr.
Aminullah explained that certain policies in Indonesia
regulate or constrain S&T investments from private
sector, particularly from other countries. On the other
hand, Dr. Sukarno Tanggol from the Philippines
commented that the need for S&T investments should
be highly prioritized by governments in ASEAN.
Vol. 34 Nos. 3-4 (July-December 2013)
public enterprises were dubbed by Dr. Mendoza as
being “financial millstones” and agents of corruption.
Dr. Mendoza posited that under the regime of
new public management, reforms in the PES and
GOCCs were implemented since Corazon Aquino’s
administration to improve their performance and
eradicate corruption. Changes were specifically
made in the areas of policy, financial discipline,
compensation reforms, performance evaluation,
privatization, and rationalization. Despite these
reforms, issues such as weak regulations, absence
of a clear authority implementing state ownership
and monitoring systems still prevail. She hoped that
with the GOCC Governance Act of 2011 and the
Governance Commission, with their salient features
for combating inefficiencies and corruption in the
PES, government reform would soon be attained.
Nonlinear Effects of Citizen Satisfaction
In his presentation,
Professor Yu Noda
discussed the
Enhancing Trust and Performance in the Philippine
relationship between
Public Enterprise Sector: A Revisit of Recent
public service delivery
Reforms and Transformations
and citizen satisfaction.
Noda posited that
Dr. Maria Fe
such relationship goes
beyond whether the
highlighted the
citizens are satisfied or
current conditions,
not, and that citizen opinions on satisfaction are highly
performance and
subjective and may either be prone to attribution or
reforms being instituted
assessment errors. He presented the Kano model of
in the Philippine
marketing, which posits that discrepancies or gaps
public enterprise
between service delivery and citizen satisfaction
(PES) from the year
results in non-linear outcomes. According to Professor
2007 until the present.
Noda, the model includes other attributes that
She related that government-owned and controlled
determine satisfaction, classified into the “must-be”
corporations (GOCCs) in the Philippines were initially
quality elements, which most of public services must
established to augment economic weaknesses and
fulfill, and the “attractive” quality elements. Based
keep away foreign control over the market. However,
on results of the survey conducted on 2,997 Japanese
GOCCs nowadays confront certain problems
residents in Tokyo, Professor Noda pointed out that
such as contradictory objectives, severe political
in the management of broader regional government
influence, poor implementation of regulations, lack
services (BRGs) and the basic local government
of transparency and accountability, and inefficiency.
services (BLGs), clarity of services largely determine
Instead of being agents for economic growth, these
(Continued on the next page)
citizen satisfaction.