Four hundred years later, the world had been suffering a time in which slavery trade and racism towards black people started to cause a massive conflict. In 1861, the American Civil War started between the north and the south, for political power and other rights to make the whole territory better. Four years later the north wins and Abraham Lincoln became president of the United States, and slavery towards black people was abolished. The problem here is that white Nationalist groups like the Ku Klux Klan, or better known as the KKK, didn’t accept that laws. This people believed that if you were born white, your life would very more easier, this is an example of the term Whiteness, that’s why they practiced endogamy, to preserve the race.
In conclusion, the ground-base of modern racism is the history events that have passed. Racism long time ago was way worst. Nowadays racism is still a problem that is very bad and that has taken many human lives, but it has decreased because people who growed in that violent times, open their minds and eyes and saw that we all deserve the same rights, treat and lives. We are still growing in a racist environment, because we can still hear racist nicknames around and also rarely a violent act, even though in schools we are taught about equality. The problem is that some of us are ignoring this education that has maked things change a lot in a good way, so the way we can stop nowadays racism is by teaching since very young that we all are the same.
I am NOT black, you are NOT white.
We are all the same.