Equality and Diversity vol.1 | Page 8


Modern issues of a common man

When race is brought to the table, many people make many faces, as they would rather avoid this topic than facing it and accepting the concept of race. Since childhood we have been taught to be aware of danger but in which way humans are aware of live “dangers”? How do we now who is willing to harm us and who is a normal person crossing down the street?

To understand race from all points of view we have to analyze the concept from the roots. Race is put in many scenarios as the discrimination of minorities or their isolation , and that is partly true. You can take all the branches of racism and analyze them and find a common factor, biases. A particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned (Random House, Inc. 2018). Biases are in all human beings, even in the ones to act nice to everyone in any situation, they have some bias way down their hearts. the modern bases of racism are defined by how we express these biases and how tolerant we are to different groups. If by any case you don't believe me, I will tell a story. Someone was walking near the streets of Gaira, and normally we avoid the “Dangerous Neighborhoods”, but is it really Gaira the problem? or is it the perception we have about it? One of the biases is avoiding the uneducated people, trying to avoid them any place we go. Because one of my biases is the uneducated people, i avoid been near the “Gentucha” almost at any place. After many generations filled with separation and racial isolation, our minds have automatically make a relationship between people, and how they look or how they act. Diplomatics all over the world have done campaigns for cultural union but that doesn't change the fact people in the last centuries have make their way into innovating racism. From the KKK, slavery, apartheid, Jew genocide,inquisition, the crusades, the American civil war ideals, police aggression on minorities, among other ideals humanity accepted, followed and executed in the ideal of white supremacy and what makes them all part of a same movement and the most fundamental part of all of adobe is the idea I have mentioned through this whole paragraph: BIAS. A bias fueled by fear, fear of not been really superior to the minorities. Racism is the power of thinking the person next to me is less than me, by me thinking that I am better, that I have better things, and that I have and deserve not only things, but rights the other doesn't.

Having already understood power of race discrimination we can focus in its execution of it. In our communities we have established a system of monetary payment in which I work for someone in a form of “favor” and they pay me back with “favors”, I can spend this favors anywhere, or pay my bills. More important the job to be done, the most favors they return you in exchange. But the best jobs comes with the best education, that comes with a rich family. All this makes part of the opportunities “Life has given to the privileged”We all deserve opportunities to succeed but in this world discrimination to minorities has reduce their options of getting a well paid job, or been hired if they cause bias in the one giving the job..“Opportunities in live re few ,but only the privileged can ask for them”(Bill Gates, 2007) With that been said is important to analyze some numbers in United States. lets begin with the education, the liar for a good live. Back in 1968 50% of the white population finished high school,205 went to some college, and 10% to college. From the black population 30% finished high school, 10% attended a college, and only 3% Went to a good college. This means that if you were black back then your chances were by far fewer to have that “golden ticket” in your hand. In the 20 and 21st century new immigrants have come to America searching for a dream but they founded the opposite to what they were looking for..Only the tough ones could undergo the rough conditions that immigration represented, mostly undocumented ,and that isn't the end of the road, as you have to conform to a crappy job, discrimination by the “privilege” and also having 0 network in the united states. This put with a racial axis and you got the perfect mix for hostile conditions in the “Home of the free” where “ equal conditions are around the corner in any place.

Although there are some negative components of racism, there's also some positive factors. Through the last 4 decades, minorities have joined forces have risen their voice and have make their opinion heard. Not everyone has the guts to confront the white superiority. Some of them are idols to many disgraces to a few. Examples of this can mostly be found in the names of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Malcolm X,Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Malala, Leopoldo Lopez, are some of the most significant. All these people come from different eras, but with the same purpose: oppression over their beliefs and lives. They spoke up and say “HEll NO” to their oppressors. They fight each for a better tomorrow, for all of the world no matter how different they are they all fight without gloves to ring equality, and the hard work has began to show results.