Equalities Report | Page 27

27 69.5% (10,820) of enrolments declared their sexual orientation as Heterosexual. 0.7% (113) declared their sexual orientation as gay man or woman, 2.5% (388) declared themselves as bisexual, 15.9% (2,476) preferred not to disclose their sexual orientation and for 11.4% (1,774) of enrolments information regarding sexual orientation was not present. It is hoped the College’s recent activities of deepening a knowledge and understanding of LGBT will positively impact upon student disclosure of sexual orientation. Student Religion/Belief Profile 2013-14 80.00% 70.00% 71.50% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 12.40% 10.00% 5.00% 8.20% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20% 0.10% Other Christian Muslim Buddhist SHJ 0.00% No Religion or belief Church of Scotland Roman Catholic Unknown Of all enrolments, 71.5% (11,135) declared that they were of no religion or belief. 12.4% (1,928) declared themselves as Christian/Protestant/Church of Scotland, 5.0% (780) declared themselves as Roman Catholic, 0.6% (94) declared themselves as Other Christian, 0.4% (55) declared themselves as Muslim, 0.2% (26) of enrolments declared themselves as Buddhist and less than 0.1% declared themselves as being either Sikh, Hindu or Jewish. Of all enrolments there were 8.2% (1,279) with missing Religion/Belief information. www.ayrshire.ac.uk