Epublication LERANING DIFFERNTLY | Page 3

„ Erasmus +“ Programme ‘ s School Exchange Partnership project „ Learning Differently !“
For a teacher in the modern volatile world is not enough to provide knowledge to students but it is also very important to arouse their creative power as well as spread moral values . We are very delighted that schools from five countries united for working together in „ Erasmus +“ Programme ‘ s School Exchange Partnership project „ Learning Differently !“ European schools faced with writing and reading skills challenges , and these skills are developed in various ways . The aim of this project is to understand better the diversity of education , to share and apply best practices by developing flexible multicultural support for writing and reading abilities in all lessons using innovative methods , strategies and tools . It is very important for partner schools to develop reading and writing skills in an innovative and efficient way .
We would like to give special thanks to our students and teachers for their hard work , energy , creativity , support , guidance , assistance and time preparing this edition .
Thanks to everyone who made a contribution on this Project .