Project information
„ Erasmus +“ Programme ‘ s School Exchange Partnership project „ Learning Differently !“ No . 2018-1-LT01-KA229-047007
The Project has been funded by the „ Erasmus +“ Programme . This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission .
This communication reflects the views only of the author , and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein .
Partners :
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Vtoro OU „ Nikola I . Vapcarov “, Bulgaria Osnovna škola Pušća , Croatia Klaipėdos Gedminų progimnazija , Lithuania Szkola Podstawowa nr 5 im . Ksiedza Jana Twardowskiego , Poland Scoala Gimnaziala nr . 17 Botosani , Romania
The aim of this project - to improve students ' reading and writing skills .
TwinSpace https :// twinspace . etwinning . net / 71984 / home
Contacts of coordinator a . jankauskiene @ gedminai . lt asta . jankauskiene @ gedminei . eu + 370 612 57664
2018-2020 ( 2021 )