EPS: Pre-K Handbook 2023-24 | Page 29

Expulsion may be imposed only after a hearing before the Board of Education , a committee of the Board or an impartial hearing officer designated by the Board of Education in accordance with the Board ’ s Student Discipline policy . This consequence shall normally be reserved for serious incidents of bullying and teen dating violence , and / or when past interventions have not been successful in eliminating bullying behavior .
iii . Interventions for bullied students and victims of teen dating violence
The building principal ( or other responsible program administrator ) or his / her designee shall intervene in order to address incidents of bullying or teen dating violence against a single individual . Intervention strategies for a bullied student or victim of teen dating violence may include the following :
a .
Referral to a school counselor , psychologist or other appropriate social or mental health
service ;
b .
Increased supervision and monitoring of student to observe and intervene in bullying situations
or instances of teen dating violence ;
c .
Encouragement of student to seek help when victimized or witnessing victimization ;
d .
Peer mediation or other forms of mediation , where appropriate ;
e .
Student Safety Support plan ;
f .
Restitution and / or restorative interventions ; and
g .
Periodic follow-up by the Safe School Climate Specialist and / or Title IX Coordinator with the
bullied student or victim of teen dating violence .
iv . General Prevention and Intervention Strategies
In addition to the prompt investigation of complaints of bullying and direct intervention when acts of bullying are verified , other district actions may ameliorate potential problems with bullying in school or at school-sponsored activities . Additional district actions may also ameliorate potential problems with teen dating violence . While no specific action is required , and school needs for specific prevention and intervention strategies may vary from time to time , the following list of potential prevention and intervention strategies shall serve as a resource for administrators , teachers and other professional employees in each school . Such prevention and intervention strategies may include , but are not limited to :
a .
School rules prohibiting bullying , teen dating violence , harassment and intimidation and establishing appropriate consequences for those who engage in such acts ;
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