EPS: Pre-K Handbook 2023-24 | Page 27

include referral of the complaint to the Safe School Climate Specialist and / or Title IX Coordinator .
C . Prevention and intervention strategies concerning teen dating violence shall be implemented in accordance with Section X below . Discipline , up to and including expulsion , may be imposed against the perpetrator of teen dating violence , whether such conduct occurs on or off campus , in accordance with Board policy and consistent with federal and state law .
IX . Documentation and Maintenance of Log
A . Each school shall maintain written reports of bullying , along with supporting documentation received and / or created as a result of bullying investigations , consistent with the Board ’ s obligations under state and federal law . Any educational record containing personally identifiable student information pertaining to an individual student shall be maintained in a confidential manner , and shall not be disclosed to third parties without written prior written consent of a parent , guardian or eligible student , except as permitted under Board policy and state and federal law .
B . The Principal of each school shall maintain a list of the number of verified acts of bullying in the school and this list shall be available for public inspection upon request . Consistent with district obligations under state and federal law regarding student privacy , the log shall not contain any personally identifiable student information , or any information that alone or in combination would allow a reasonable person in the school community to identify the students involved . Accordingly , the log should be limited to basic information such as the number of verified acts , name of school and / or grade level and relevant date . Given that any determination of bullying involves repeated acts , each investigation that results in a verified act of bullying for that school year shall be tallied as one verified act of bullying unless the specific actions that are the subject of each report involve separate and distinct acts of bullying . The list shall be limited to the number of verified acts of bullying in each school and shall not set out the particulars of each verified act , including , but not limited to any personally identifiable student information , which is confidential information by law .
C . The Principal of each school shall report the number of verified acts of bullying in the school annually to the Department of Education in such manner as prescribed by the Commissioner of Education .
X . Other Prevention and Intervention Strategies
A . Bullying behavior and teen dating violence can take many forms and can vary dramatically in the nature of the offense and the impact the behavior may have on the victim and other students . Accordingly , there is no one prescribed response to verified acts of bullying or to teen dating violence . While conduct that rises to the level of “ bullying ” or “ teen dating violence ,” as defined above , will generally warrant traditional disciplinary action against the perpetrator of such bullying or teen dating violence , whether and to what extent to impose disciplinary action ( e . g ., detention , in-school suspension , suspension or expulsion ) is a matter for the professional discretion of the building principal ( or responsible program administrator or his / her designee ). No disciplinary action may be taken solely on the basis of an anonymous complaint of bullying . As discussed below , schools may also consider appropriate alternative to traditional
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