information about a student other than the parent / guardian ’ s own child , may not be disclosed except as provided by law .
B . In any instance in which bullying is verified , the Safe School Climate Specialist or designee shall invite the parents or guardians of the student against whom such act was directed to a meeting to communicate the measures being taken by the school to ensure the safety of the student / victim and policies and procedures in place to prevent further acts of bullying . The Safe School Climate Specialist or designee shall also invite the parents or guardians of a student who commits any verified act of bullying to a meeting , separate and distinct from the previously described meeting , to discuss specific interventions undertaken by the school to prevent further acts of bullying . The invitation may be made simultaneous with the notification described above in Section VII . A .
C . If bullying is verified , the Safe School Climate Specialist or designee shall develop a student safety support plan for any student against whom an act of bullying was directed . Such support plan will include safety measures to protect against further acts of bullying .
D . A specific written intervention plan shall be developed to address repeated incidents of bullying against a single individual or recurrently perpetrated bullying incidents by the same individual . The written intervention plan may include counseling , discipline and other appropriate remedial actions as determined by the Safe School Climate Specialist or designee , and may also incorporate a student safety support plan , as appropriate .
E . Notice to Law Enforcement
If the Principal of a school ( or his / her designee ) reasonably believes that any act of bullying constitutes a criminal offense , he / she shall notify appropriate law enforcement . Notice shall be consistent with the Board ’ s obligations under state and federal law and Board policy regarding the disclosure of personally identifiable student information . In making this determination , the Principal or his / her designee , may consult with the school resource officer , if any , and other individuals the principal or designee deems appropriate .
F . If a bullying complaint raises a concern about discrimination or harassment on the basis of a legally protected classifications ( such as race , religion , color , national origin , sex , sexual orientation , age , disability or gender identity or expression ), the Safe School Climate Specialist or designee shall also coordinate any bullying investigation with other appropriate personnel within the district as appropriate ( e . g . Title IX Coordinator , Section 504 Coordinator etc .), so as to ensure that any such bullying investigation complies with the requirements of such policies regarding nondiscrimination .
VIII . Teen Dating Violence
A . The school strictly prohibits , and takes very seriously any instances of , teen dating violence , as defined above . The school recognizes that teen dating violence may take many different forms and may also be considered bullying and / or sexual harassment . B . Students and parents ( or guardians of students ) may bring verbal or written complaints regarding teen dating violence to any building administrator . The building administrator shall review and address the complaint , which may
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