EPS: Parkman Newsletter 100223 | Page 6

ask your child how many PAWs they ' ve earned so far and what they are planning to use them for at the end of the month from our Rewards Menu . Check out our Core Values and School Matrix below . Our Core Values , ROAR , are outlined across the top .
PACER ' s National Bullying Prevention Center state ' s , " Discussions with children that focus on inclusion over exclusion , and showing respect and kindness toward others need to occur frequently as children grow up . When children are brought to better awareness of these issues , they have a greater opportunity to develop empathy and an increased understanding that can ultimately disrupt or interrupt bullying dynamics ." ( https :// www . pacer . org )
Parkman ' s PBIS structure is designed to create a positive school culture where such conversations are built into the everyday interactions in the building . The Parkman community implements additional programs and initiatives to sustain a positive school culture including , but not limited to :
The use of Second Step curriculum in each classroom Push-in lessons from the School Counselor and Social Worker in each classroom focusing on kindness , acceptance , and inclusion Social Emotional Lessons built into the Blue Block Enrichment rotation Resources shared with families throughout the year by our school counselor and social worker on the size of the problem , emotional regulation , and con ict resolution . These resources are re ective of the conversations occurring in counseling conversations in the building .
We always encourage our students to report any mean or unkind behaviors to the closest adult so the situation can be resolved in a timely manner . If your child reports being witness