Table of Contents
Department Updates ( contributed by curriculum coordinators )............................................... 1 School Counseling ......................................................................................................................... 1 Visual Art and STEAM Departments ........................................................................................... 2 Physical Education / Health Department ........................................................................................ 2 Social Studies Department ............................................................................................................ 3 Music Department ........................................................................................................................ 4 Important Dates .................................................................................................................... 7
Updates ( contributed by curriculum coordinators )
School Counseling With the change of the marking period from 1 st to 2 nd , students are a quarter of the way through the school year . Counselors have begun working with students on goal-setting activities , encouraging students to come up with attainable goals related to exploring careers , academics , and social goals . Over the course of the year , counselors will be working with students to enter goals into their Naviance accounts , which is an activity we will encourage students to complete on a yearly basis , for grades 6-12 . A primary reason for this activity is to help foster each student ’ s sense of curiosity , as they reset goals and consider career options on their path towards graduation .