EPS: Elementary Handbook 2023-24 | Page 38

DISCIPLINE ( continued )
In recognition of the student ’ s individual rights , the school administration will do everything in its power to maintain and facilitate the educational program so that the individual needs of each student are met to the greatest possible degree . In order to provide a suitable learning environment , the administration has the inherent and statutory responsibility and power :
to maintain order and discipline in the schools and to remove the privilege of school attendance temporarily from any student whose conduct is harmful to the best interest of the whole school community .
When the privilege of school attendance is to be removed or curtailed for a specific period of time , the rights of the student and his parents will be fully recognized , and provision will be made for due process as set forth in Board of Education Policy # 5131 regarding student discipline , rights and responsibilities .
Pages 3-6 Only
Conduct which may lead to disciplinary action ( including but not limited to suspension and / or expulsion ) includes conduct on school grounds or at a school- sponsored activity , and conduct off school grounds , as set forth above . Such conduct includes , but is not limited to , the following :
1 . Striking or assaulting a student , members of the school staff , or other persons . 2 . Theft . 3 . The use of obscene or profane language or gestures . 4 . Violation of smoking , dress , transportation regulations , or other regulations and / or policies governing student conduct . 5 . Refusal to obey a member of the school staff , or law enforcement authorities , or disruptive classroom behavior .
6 . Any act of harassment based on an individual ' s sex , sexual orientation , race , color , religion , disability , national origin , ancestry , gender identity or expression or any other characteristic protected by law . 7 . Refusal by a student to identify himself / herself to a staff member when asked . 8 . A walk-out from or sit-in within a classroom or school building or school grounds . 9 . Blackmailing , harassing , threatening , or intimidating school staff or students . 10 . Possession of any weapon , weapon facsimile , deadly weapon , pistol , knife , blackjack , bludgeon , box cutter , metal knuckles , pellet gun , explosive device , firearm , whether loaded or unloaded , whether functional or not , or any other dangerous object . 11 . Unauthorized entrance into any school facility or portion of a school facility or aiding or abetting an unauthorized entrance . 12 . Possession or ignition of any fireworks or other explosive materials , ignition of any material causing a fire .
13 . Unauthorized possession , sale , distribution , use or consumption of synthetic substances , tobacco , drugs , narcotics or alcoholic beverages , or any substance that may cause physical and / or mental impairment . For the purposes of this Paragraph 13 , the term " drugs " shall include , but shall not be limited to , any medicinal preparation ( prescription and non-prescription ) and any controlled substance whose possession , sale , distribution , use , or consumption is illegal under state and / or federal law .