EPS: Elementary Handbook 2023-24 | Page 37

DAMAGED / LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 6161.21 It is the intent of the Board of Education to impose sanctions against students who damage school property , lose and / or damage textbooks , and any other educational materials . The Superintendent of Schools is authorized by the Board of Education to set regulations and adopt any guidelines necessary to carry out the intent of this policy .
In cases where students refuse to pay the charges for damaged and / or lost materials , they may have grades , transcripts , and / or report cards withheld .
Legal References :
Connecticut General Statutes 10-221 ( c ) Boards of education to prescribe rules . 10-228 Free textbooks , supplies , materials , and equipment
DIRECTORY INFORMATION The Enfield Board of Education shall give annual notice during the first week of each school year , and individually as students enroll during the remainder of each year , that the items listed below are considered " directory information .”
Such items will be released by the schools at the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools , without further comment , unless the parent informs the principal of the student ' s school , in writing , within two weeks of the notification , any or all items he / she does not wish to be released , without prior written consent . The Enfield Public Schools defines the following as " directory information :”
Student ' s name and address
Grade level
Dates of attendance
Schools attended ( in Enfield )
Honors or awards received
Participation in activities or sports
Representatives of the armed forces must have the same opportunity for access to this data as nonmilitary recruiters , higher education representatives , and commercial concerns .
Refer to Policy # 5125 for more information
DISCIPLINE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The school is a community with rules and regulations , and those who would enjoy the rights and privileges it provides must also accept the responsibilities that membership demands . A basic responsibility is to respect and to obey its rules .
The Enfield Board of Education expects specifically that students :
~ will conform to reasonable standards of speech and conduct , ~ will not engage in any form of sexual harassment , ~ will refrain from violating or impairing the rights of others , ~ will not engage in conduct that deprives other students of an orderly atmosphere for study .
The Board expects students to be appreciative of the opportunity for education offered to them and to regard as a privilege their attendance in the public schools of Enfield .