BULLYING ( continued ) 5131.911
6 . Successfully complete the mental health first aid training provided by the Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services . ( Such training only required once .)
Safe School Climate Specialist
Annually , each school Principal shall serve , or designate someone to serve , as the Safe School Climate Specialist for the school .
The Specialist in each school shall :
1 . Investigate or supervise the investigation of reported acts of bullying or teen dating violence in the school in accordance with the District ’ s Safe School Climate Plan ;
2 . Collect and maintain records of reports and investigations of bullying and teen dating violence in the school ; and
3 . Act as the primary school official responsible for preventing , identifying , and responding to bullying and teen dating violence reports in the school .
Safe School Climate Committee
Annually , the Principal of each District school shall establish a new committee or designate at least one existing committee that is responsible for developing and fostering a safe school climate and addressing issues related to bullying in the school . The committee must include at least one parent / guardian of a student enrolled in the school , appointed by the Principal .
Such committee shall also include : ( a ) school personnel , including , but not limited to , at least one teacher selected by the exclusive bargaining unit representative for certified employees , ( b ) medical and mental health personnel assigned to such school , and ( c ) at the high school level at least one student enrolled at the school . The student is to be selected by the students in a manner determined by the school Principal .
The Safe School Climate Committee shall : 1 . Receive copies of completed reports following investigations of bullying and teen dating violence ; 2 . Identify and address patterns of bullying and teen dating violence among students in the school ;
3 . Implement the provisions of the school security and safety plan regarding the collection , evaluation and reporting of information relating to instances of disturbing or threatening behavior that may not meet the definition of bullying or teen dating violence ( defined in Connecticut General Statutes 10-222d ) and report such information , as necessary , to the District Safe School Climate Coordinator and to the school ’ s security and safety committee ;