EPS: Elementary Handbook 2023-24 | Page 23

BULLYING ( continued ) 5131.911
3 . Adequate adult supervision of outdoor areas , hallways , the lunchroom , and other specific areas where bullying or teen dating violence is likely to occur .
4 . Inclusion of grade-appropriate bullying and teen dating violence education and prevention curricula in kindergarten through high school .
5 . Individual interventions with the bully or student who commits teen dating violence , parents and school employees and interventions with the students against whom the acts of bullying and teen dating violence are directed , parents , and school employees .
6 . School wide training related to safe school climate . 7 . Student peer training , education , and support .
8 . Promotion of parent involvement in bullying and teen dating violence prevention through individual or team participation in meetings , trainings , and individual interventions .
9 . Culturally competent school-based curriculum focusing on social-emotional learning , self-awareness , and self-regulation .
Note : Funding for the school-based bullying intervention and school climate improvement may originate from public , private , or philanthropic sources . For purposes of this section , “ interventions with the bullied child ” includes referrals to a school counselor , psychologist or other appropriate social or mental health service , and periodic follow-up by the safe school climate specialist with the bullied child .
District Safe School Climate Coordinator
Annually , the Superintendent of Schools shall appoint , from among existing District staff , a District Safe School Climate Coordinator .
The Coordinator Shall : 1 . Implement the District ’ s safe school climate plan ;
2 . Collaborate with safe school climate specialists , the Board , and the Superintendent to prevent , identify , and respond to bullying and teen dating violence in the schools of the district .
3 . Provide data and information derived from the safe school climate assessments , in collaboration with the Superintendent to the Department of Education ;
4 . Respond to bullying and teen dating violence in District schools ;
5 . Meet with the safe school climate specialists at least twice during the school year to discuss bullying and teen dating violence issues in the District and make recommended changes to the District ’ s safe school climate plan .