Envisioner | August 2019 Envisioner August 2019 | Page 22
6 Types of
The six typical entrepreneur profiles
according to the Founder Institute
are as follows:
1. The Hustler: Basically a go-getter with high confidence
and is usually good at sales.
2. The Innovator – This person has the brains and brawn
to experiment and implement new ideas.
3. The Machine – Very reliable, performs like clockwork,
and knows how to get things done.
4. The Prodigy – Probably the most envied and hated at
the same time; blessed with innate instinct and inher-
ent business sense.
5. The Strategist – May not be the most outgoing, but this
person has a unique intellect of coming up with effi-
cient game plans to put out fires before they even start.
6. The Visionary – Always looking outside the box. A
dreamer. Someone who knows no boundaries.