Envisioner | August 2019 Envisioner August 2019 | Page 20
from the
Big Screen
Inspiration and Lessons
can come f rom a myriad
of sources and some-
times even from the
most unexpected ones.
By Srishti Tyagi
A typical question that floats amidst
any easy conversation is, “Which is
your favourite movie?” One of the
greatest source of entertainment for
humanity is cinema, so building a
conversation around this question
becomes convenient. But, building
movies themselves is not as con-
venient a task to perform.
Movies are an extravagant affair.
Expensive cast, exorbitant cost of
production and extensive marketing
are all essential expenses that one
has to bear while keeping in mind
production of a movie that may
have a deep impact on its viewers.
The average budget of films is es-
timated to be anywhere between
70-80 million dollars and that is
excluding the budget spent on mar-
keting and promotion of the film.
Inherently, you would want to pro-
duce content that most of the peo-
ple would like to watch. Except we
get a plethora of genres in movies,
owing to the fact that we are all dif-
ferent, culturally and otherwise.