Environmental literacy save our mother earth | Page 26
Note that several of these steps, if the only focus of a particular activity,
often become something other than strictly education. For example,
programs that focus primarily on skill development, especially in a
career context, are considered training programs; programs that focus
only on action and behavior are considered social marketing.
Also note that, in the final step of action, environmental literacy is the
capacity to act in daily life on a broad understanding of how people and
societies relate to each other and natural systems. Environmental
education is the process of developing that capacity. Education is not
deterministic: literacy alone does not guarantee that the learner will
exhibit a specified set of behaviors. Rather, it guarantees only that the
learner has the capacity for such behaviors. Put another way, the
primary beneficiary of education is intended to be the learner
him/herself. Ancillary benefits to business, the environment, schools,
and other sectors of society can reasonably be expected to result from
this learning but they are ancillary. If these benefits are intended to be
primary, then the activity is better defined as social marketing rather
than education.