Enhance Magazine | Page 47

did you know

Environmental WELL-BEING

by Joe Kautz
With the spring upon us , we are all itching to get out of the house . Believe it or not , one of the most important factors in achieving overall wellness is environmental . Some research shows that spending time in an enjoyable environment plays a big part in our mental and physical well-being .
We focus a lot on the physical space in our homes , but many people overlook the outside . Studies have shown that spending time outside can lower stress levels , reduce depression and anxiety symptoms , improve cognition , and just generally be restorative . If you have a yard and find that you never spend any time in it , then it may be time to evaluate why .
Do you have a place to sit ? Is it good for entertaining ? Is it visually appealing ?
Think about the way you feel when you walk into a cluttered room . It feels disorganized , and that can be stressful . The same feeling comes about entering a yard with brown or dying greenery , landscaping that is unkempt , or a yard that simply feels too open . A thorough pruning of your plantings can do wonders for your health and give your greenery that ' pop ' when the weather finally breaks in the coming months .
If you ' ve got a deck or patio , chances are you have some furniture outside . Evaluate the furniture - Is it comfortable ? Is it positioned well ? Does it make the best use of the deck or
patio space ? Simply adding low voltage lighting or even a fire pit can turn a plain outdoor area into an inviting outdoor living space . And if you ' re not big on fire , water features are quite relaxing and therapeutic as well .
Now , take a look around the perimeter of your house and yard . Do you enjoy your landscaping ? If not , maybe you could use some plants , mulch , or flowers to make the space more warm and inviting . Often a nice pruning and edging with some fresh mulch can really refresh a landscape . If you ' re lacking on privacy or find yourself pestered by noise , there are trees and shrubs that can quickly help .
Also take a look at your lawn . Are there bare or brown patches that have become more unsightly during the winter , or does it appear thin and weak ? Winter will not exactly help your lawn look it ' s best , but it will highlight any problem areas for you to pay more attention to in early spring .
Think about the ultimate outdoor experience - What would be relaxing ? Do you need a water feature ? Do you like to bask in the sun ? Maybe a hammock would be a fun addition !
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 47