Enhance Magazine | Page 45

did you know


There are many factors that influence your color choice in a bedroom ; one size does not fit all . The main point is to create a restful , peaceful feeling in a bedroom , so avoid using a bright , active color such as red . Red is the most likely color to disrupt sleep . Small amounts of red create a feeling of passion , but remember to not overdo it .
Mother earth nurtures our soul and is very yin . Opt for earth tones in the yellow or brown family , or soft neutrals with small pops of color . Soft greens emit a healing quality , and soft blues creates a soothing feeling . Remember that color is very subjective , and what works for one person may not work for another .


Avoid sharp lines or corners from furniture , accessories , and architectural features that direct “ poison ” arrows ( anything sharply pointing ) toward occupants of the bed . These points stress the body , for whatever is closest to you has the most effect on you . Opt for décor with softened or rounded corners .
Avoid open headboards with busy vertical spindles , and metal beds as they conduct electro-magnetic field energy . Purchase a solid headboard , preferably one made from wood or fabric . This gives you support and a feeling of protection from behind , as if “ someone ’ s got your back .”


Avoid electric blankets and heated waterbeds . These conduct EMF that surrounds the body in an unnatural energy field . Avoid having electronics close to you while in bed . Even an alarm clock can generate a significant amount of EMF that sits close to your body all night long . The blue light emitted from these electronics mimics natural daylight , and this , in turn , affects the pineal gland and can interrupt the production of melatonin and serotonin , disrupting your body ’ s natural circadian rhythm . Opt for a battery-operated alarm clock or move at least 2 feet away from you .
Hire a professional dowser to find stressed energy fields such as geopathic stress ( geo = earth ; pathic = illness ) from the ground and Electro Magnetic Field interference that may be affecting the natural energy of your body in your bedroom .


Some people are extremely sensitive to chemicals and fumes or gas from synthetic materials such as paint , carpeting , laminates , veneers , and glues . All these can disrupt the quality of your sleep and health . According to Web MD , a study conducted in 2009 showed that indoor air in the typical American home contains over 500 chemicals . Be aware of the synthetic materials in mattresses , furniture , bedding , and flooring .
Purchase natural products as much as possible . Use VOC-free paint and avoid carpeting to reduce dust . Open windows as much as possible to clean the air . Experiment with crystals and essential oils such as lavender that clear the air in the room and create a calming effect . You can also add a few drops to your pillow or sheets to reduce stress .


Light from the outside or even the glow of an alarm clock can affect the pineal gland and disrupt sleep . Consider using an eye mask and add black out shades . Don ’ t switch the lights on to use the bathroom at night , instead use an LED tea light .
Use earplugs to block out noise outside the bedroom or from a snoring partner .
My wish for you is to enjoy a great night sleep so you wake up refreshed , on purpose , and excited to start your day . You are precious and are meant to live with vibrant health and energy and to share your gifts with the world .
Kristin M Wistar has been creating beautiful interiors since 1990 . In recent years , she has added Feng Shui and Dowsing to her practice of interior design . She creates from a conscious heart-felt design system for your home or office to attract more of what you truly desire in life .
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 45