Enhance Magazine | Page 44

did you know get the BEST BEDROOM for the best sleep

by Kristin M . Wistar
Let ’ s face it . When you experience a sleepless night , the next day can be challenging . Lack of sleep takes a big toll on your health , and sleeplessness can have a ripple effect , impacting many areas of your life including your finances , relationships , social life , and happiness .
Energies that surround you in your home and bedroom and can thwart or nurture you — your body , your mind , and your spirit . Feng Shui encompasses the inner and the outer worlds ; the visual environment created by land formations , architectural features , and decor as well as unseen subtle energies . When properly aligned , these inner and outer aspects come together to boost health , support you in getting a great night sleep , and can ignite a whole new enthusiasm for your life . Follow these tips to sleep blissfully using Feng Shui .


Position the bed so it is on the wall opposite the doorway or perpendicular to the doorway , but not in line with the door . This allows your subconscious mind to relax because you can see who is coming into the room from your bed and puts you in the command position . Avoid placing your bed under a window as this is a safety issue , backed up to a bathroom wall which can be draining , or under a beam , which directs force downward .


From a Feng Shui perspective , your bedroom is the most “ yin ” area in your home . A yin environment in a home is a calm place in which to restore balance , support a good night ’ s sleep , and enjoy intimacy in a safe , nurturing , quiet environment . Yin means the energy of stillness , softness , darkness , and going inward . Yang energy , by contrast , is active , loud , sharp , bright , upward moving , like the sun ’ s rays .
Remove electronics such as a television , computers , cell phones , tablets , and chargers that are stimulating to the brain , emit electric and magnetic fields ( EMFs ), and have active yang qualities . Also avoid live plants in a bedroom . Their growth energy is too active for a yin environment of sleep . Opt for silk plants instead . Remove work-out equipment . Your bedroom is not for exercise . Be cautious of mirrors in your bedroom . Their yang reflective quality can be startling and bounce off energy in a room .


Remove clutter from the bedroom including excessive items on night stands , accessories , piles of clothing , books , and anything under your bed . Clutter is the number one block to healthy chi energy . It creates stagnancy , and can generate overwhelming feelings and affect your sleep .
The unseen energy of a space can stagnate and build from those who occupy that space now or from any predecessor . Porous substances , such as wood , drywall , and fabric absorb energy . If you have experienced sickness or mental anguish of any kind , I recommend that you do a space clearing on a monthly basis . Space clearing encompasses many methods includes smudging with sage , diffusing essential oils , and using sound to clear energy .