Enhance Magazine | Page 13

community talks
The BUD / S Challenge included a 500 yard swim , two minutes of push-ups , two minutes of sit ups , pull ups until dropping off the bar , and a 1.5 mile run .
Men : Under 13 : Brandt B . Ages 14-19 : Ryan B .
Ages 20-29 : Reed Bidgood
Ages 30-39 : Eric Mayan Ages 40-49 : Mark Fox Ages 50-59 : Jon Walton Ages 60 +: Bob McArthur
Women :
Ages 30-39 : Natalie Moravek
Rick Angelucci : Overall top score using side stroke for the swim
Eric Mayan : Overall top performer
Soraya Morgan swam to show her daughter that doing good things isn ’ t always easy .
Heather Enos and Henry Tucker trained and competed together .
Brandt , 11 , and dad David completed the BUD / S challenge together
Eric Mayan was the overall top performer !

Q & A



Brandt and his dad David competed in the BUD / S challenge side by side . What stood out was Brandt ’ s success : he not only completed the challenge , but some of his scores rivaled those in older categories ! He is an incredible young man with strong will and determination who has aspirations to become a Navy SEAL .
Why does Brandt want to be a Navy SEAL ? B : To serve the country and to protect America .
Where did the interest start , and how has it evolved ? D : Since Brandt could walk and talk he has been into the military . When he was five , he really got into the Navy – not sure why , but he has a deep passion for this branch of the US forces and has made it his mission to get into the Naval Academy in Annapolis . Four years ago , I took him to see this documentary " Murph the Protector ." It ' s about a SEAL , Michael Murphy , who died in Operation Red Wings ( Lone Survivor ) and was just
He ' s got a mental resiliency that I didn ' t have until I was 30 . a very moving and incredible tribute to this young man . Since that movie , Brandt ' s desire and mission to serve as a SEAL has really grown ! We actually went to Ronkonkoma , NY when Brandt was 7 to run the Michael Murphy 4-miler , and we got to meet his dad and the actor that portrayed Murph in the Lone Survivor movie .
Had Brandt already been taking his fitness level seriously because he knew he wanted to join the military ? D : Brandt is athletic . He ' s been playing lacrosse since he was 6 ( goalie ) and does summer swim team . Because of his USNA ambitions he does a pretty complex training program outside of that , by 11-year-old standards .
What did the event mean to you guys as a father and son competing together ? B : I thought it was a lot of fun and was for a great cause . It was more fun to do it with my dad . D : This event was terrific ! We do a lot together and anytime we do something with a military cause just makes it all the more special . Brandt will be completing his first 1 / 2 marathon on February 18th , with his mom and I of course !
How did it feel to see him complete every part of the event ? D : I probably had more doubt about my own abilities in this than his ! He ' s got a mental resiliency that I didn ' t have until I was 30 . He works really hard in school and really wants to do his best in all he does , so watching his success unfold because of his efforts is really fantastic .
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 13