Enhance Magazine | Page 11

did you know


by Katie Cardner
We often hear people say “ life is short ,” but in five unique places in the world , that isn ’ t the case . These seemingly magical places are home to a population of people over 100 years of age . In fact , the people living in these pockets are 10 times more likely than the average American to reach the age of 100 . By looking into the habits of each of these cultures , it is easy to see why they have found a way to live longer than most of the world . By taking a page from their book , we can easily add years onto our lives . Just follow their advice :
The Italians toast with the phrase “ chin don ” - meaning “ health for a hundred years .” No where in Italy is this truer than in the island of Sardinia . There are a few things the Sardinians attribute their longevity to , one of which is their genetics . Most Sardinians have the M26 marker , a rare gene linked to longevity . Although they have a genetic advantage , their lifestyle choices are the main reason they are outlasting the rest of the world . Living on a small island , Sardinians are secluded from others , which allows for their culture to be very close-knit . This sense of intimacy builds very strong relationships among friends and family , which reduces stress levels . They eat a Mediterranean diet and incorporate herbal teas into their daily routine . My two favorite habits of the Sardinians are their love of wine and napping . They attribute a daily dose of each luxury to their longevity .

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Just 1,000 miles
away is another Blue Zone in Ikaria , Greece . Like Sardinia , Ikaria is an isolated area with a strong family bond . They make socializing with their neighbors a priority . They have a slower pace of life , resulting in much less stress than Americans experience . They live in the mountains , which provides fresh , clean air and forces them to be more physically active . Like the Sardinians , they attribute their consumption of red wine to their longevity . So cheers ! - or as the Greeks say , yiamas !
Okinawa is another little island located south of Japan . Okinawa has had a very long reputation of longevity . The island is often referred to as the land of immortals . In Okinawa , the rate of cancer , heart disease , and stroke is significantly lower than in America . The Okinawans eat a mostly vegetarian diet . They also stay active by harvesting their crops themselves . If you ask them what their most important custom is , they would say their commitment to friends and family .
In South America , we

4 find another Blue Zone located in Nicoya , Costa Rica . Like Okinawa , Nicoyans attribute their longevity to their strong family bonds . They stay away from processed foods and eat antioxidant-rich fruits . The Nicoyans believe in maintaining an active lifestyle and a positive outlook on life .



Closer to home is a Blue Zone in California . One of the interesting characteristics of this group is their strong religion . The town of Loma Linda is home to 9,000 Seventh-Day Adventists . The Adventist church instills the practice of vegetarianism and physical activity . The people of Loma Linda make much healthier food choices by avoiding sodas and junk food .
• Strong family relations and social engagement
• No processed foods
• Wine ( red )
• Vegetarianism / Semi-Vegitarianism diet
• Physical Activity
For starters , make time for the people you love . Having a community of support can significantly decrease levels of stress , allowing us to live healthier , longer lives . Another idea : eat right ! For our whole lives , we ’ ve been told to eat our vegetables and exercise . If we listen , we ’ ll live long enough to know that it works ! Another tip : relax a little ! In America , we think of taking time for ourselves as luxurious and unnecessary . Giving yourself time to relax and reboot is essential for a long , healthy life . So pour yourself a glass of some red wine and unwind ; 100-year-old you will be thankful you did .