englishschool | Page 3



Humour in english 1

Puns & Spoonerism 2

English is fun 3

Factopedia-Facts on english 4

Inspiring anecdotes 5

Top 10 Classics of all time 6

Homonyms & Metonymy 7

Secret os happiness 8

Tricky but not actually 9

Lets know more-Literary awards 10

Global pick-Child labour 11

Did you Know? 12

Poetic corner-(The beach, 13

I remember I remember, Time)

Lets be aware-Corruption 15

Greatest english movies ever 16

Happy snaking 17

Limericks 18

Story time- Autobiography of a tree 19

Idioms 20

Origin of words 21

Puzzle up 22

Answers for the puzzle 23