englishschool | Page 2

- Varsha Prabhu,8D

Editor's Note

Warm greeetings to one and all !!

When I was appointed as the editor for the english corner I was very happy and excited to take up the task. But I was naive enough to think that being an editor means just compiling the articles, correcting grammatical errors and then publishing them .Very soon I realized that this was not true and it involved a lot of responsibility right from compliling the articles, judging their suitability, making them interesting, creating a proper format and also making them look attractive. By doing all this I gained a lot of knowledge and experience in the making of a magazine.

I also realized the interest and hidden talents in many of my classmates who have provided me with many informative as well as original articles, original poems, short stories and jokes.My sincere thanks to all my classmates for this.I also thank my friends Sobia and Geethanjali for helping me with the magazine. My special thanks to Hari Shanjana whose computer expertise made this english corner such an attractive one.

Last but not the least my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my English teacher- Mrs.Parimala for believing in me and giving me such an opportunity to take up this responsibility that has proved the most rewarding experience for me.

Dont forget to take a look at some of the most interesting, funny,inspirational and cool arcticles in this section.