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Happy Snacking !!!

- dont give up munchies-get the best out of them

The secret to eating less?

Simple-Eat more.Specifically , eat more often.The science is clear:eating small amounts of healthful food throughout the day is the best way to curb cravings,limit hunger,and avoid overeating come meal time.

Here are some snacks that are yummy,easily available and deliver just the right number of calories and nutrients to keep hunger away until your next meal.

Peanut Butter

Try two crackers with half a tablespoon each for a texture combination that satisfies.

Hard –boiled Egg

Packed with protein, this favourite will stave off even the worst hunger pangs and give you energy to get through to dinner.Try one hard-boiled egg mashed with 2tbsp of mayonnaise,or even supplement with cut-up vegetables.

Choco chip cookies

Limit yourself to two small sized cookies and

reminisce about your school days.

-Written By:

Varsha 8D