English Project Jan 1929 | Seite 7

Why did you marry Tom? Do you really love him? Or did you marry him because of his money?

Well, I married Tom when I was young. We got along well and he bought me lots of presents. I guess you could say his money did influence my decision but I did grow to love him over the years. I always tell people that I will not divorce him because I’m Catholic, but, even though our relationship is strained, there is still something keeping me from leaving.

Why did you not enjoy Gatsby’s party?

I have heard stories of the extravagance and grandeur of Gatsby’s parties. Although I do love the luxury of Gatsby’s life style, it was all too much and too busy for my tastes.

Did you kill Myrtle Wilson on purpose? Why did you let Gatsby take the blame?

Of course not! Myrtle’s death was a complete accident. (Although it is convenient that she is gone because she was Tom’s mistress.) Gatsby wanted to take the blame so I let him. Even though the accident was not his fault, he seemed almost eager to take the blame so I did not want to stand in his way.

When Gatsby asked you to tell Tom that you never loved him, why couldn’t you?

Even though I know our relationship is strained, I have always loved Tom. Gatsby wanted me to make a decision that I was not ready to make, so I decided to stay with Tom.

Do you love Gatsby?

Well, it’s complicated. I loved Gatsby years ago when we met but now I have grown to love Tom and the life I have with him. That’s why it was so difficult to tell Gatsby who I loved. I honestly was not sure what I wanted.

(Left) This picture of actress Carey Mulligan as Daisy in the 2013 film "The Great Gatsby" shows the more romantic aspect of Daisy's personality.

(Bottom) This picture is of Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby at one of Gatsby's perties in the 2012 film "the Great Gatsby"