Engaging You Jan - Mar 2014 | Page 19

4. Tell me more.

Let people know you're more interested in finding good answers than hearing yourself speak. Give others implicit permission to share their opinions--or heck, invite them explicitly, if you have to. Staying quiet is an invitation for others to offer ideas and insights.

5. Remember our values.

You can't possibly stare over the shoulder of every person making decisions that affect your organisation, but you can remind them to make choices that the rest of their team will be proud of. Reminding people of your values requires, of course, that you can actually articulate shared values.

6. I trust you.

If you can't trust the people on your team, then they shouldn't be on your team. You need to trust their integrity, their judgment, their confidence and their passion--and you need to ensure that they understand how much you depend on them.

7. You can count on me.

The flip side of that last point is true as well. If your team can't trust you, they shouldn't do you the great honour of letting you lead them. So tell them you've got their back, and then work like hell to fulfil the promises you make.

8. We can do better.

One of the toughest, most crucial parts of leadership is to push your team to a higher standard than they might set for themselves. That means congratulating them when they do well, but also not coddling them when they don't live up to their potential. It also means admitting when you fail to live up to those standards too.

9. Let's celebrate!

Don't create a culture in which the only reward for great work is more work. Instead, make it a practice to celebrate your wins, both large and small. This can mean big parties and bonuses, but it can be just as important to call people out for great work and congratulate them for their milestones--both professional and personal.


All my love,

Nigel Risner


[email protected]