You know what customers hate? “Company Policies”. Nobody wants to read through a list of policies or frequently asked questions. They will have a question or complaint, and they want it answered directly, immediately, from a happy and helpful company representative.
So when your customers go on Facebook and start complaining to the world, you can have staff members in place to find these people and to immediately go to these disgruntled customers and address them directly. This isn’t about confronting them, it’s about resolving their problems professionally. When you do this, allowing this person’s social media following to witness how your business takes care if its customers, you’re going to win over more business while making the disgruntled customer happy at the same time. It’s win-win for you.
Always Exceed Expectations
More than 55% of customers don’t expect any of their complaints or inquires to be responded to in less than one hour.
What would happen if you were to exceed these expectations? What if you had a social media customer service agent respond to a person in less than 15 minutes, and did everything they could to resolve the customer’s concern? I guarantee one thing – it will dramatically improve the relationship between your business and that customer.
In many cases, providing good customer services doesn’t involve paying a single dime in company expenses. It often only includes making a customer happy, making them feel like they matter, and handling their concerns with concern and empathy. In short, they’re human, and they want to be treated as such.
Is this difficult? Not at all, though it may take some discipline and experience. For the most part it’s simply about being personable, sincere, professional, and making sure things are as convenient as possible for the customer in question.
Making Things Convenient
If a customer poses a question to your business, or even a complaint about how your business handled their problems, then your social media customer service agents should respond to them through the same platform. So when a customer makes a statement on Facebook, don’t send that person a message through their email – respond to them directly through Facebook!