institutions would have to be imbued
with heavy-handed, transnational
enforcement powers. How do we
create new institutions with enforcement powers way beyond the current
mandate of the UN? Could we ensure
against a malevolent dictator who
might abuse the power of such
Editor’s note: This last question is
very interesting!
Australian Senator Calls for World
Article: Australian Globalist Senator
Bob Brown Calls for World Government
The Globalist Report – March 28, 2012
The Globalists have officially infiltrated the Australian Government and
have now admitted on record that they
want Australia to lead the world to
introduce global government and the
New World Order.
Australian Globalist, Greens Party
leader and unofficial leader of the
Australian Labor Party, Senator Bob
Brown, has been quoted as saying that
the “world should be ruled by a new
global parliament under the auspices
of the United Nations.”
Senator Bob Brown then went on
to say that “Australia should take the
lead in establishing a global parliament to govern issues such as nuclear
proliferation, international financial
transactions and poverty.”
These comments made by Globalist Senator Bob Brown prove that the
government is now actively seeking
global government and the New World
Order. Senator Bob Brown even went
as far to describe how a global government would function. He was quoted
as saying “a global government should
consist of a bicameral (two houses)
parliament with equal representation
from every nation.”
UN Plans for World Government
Article: The Tab for UN’s Rio Summit:
Trillions Per Year in Taxes, Transfers
and Price Hikes – April 20, 2012
The upcoming United Nations
environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a
breathtaking array of carbon taxes,
transfers of trillions of dollars from
wealthy countries to poor ones, and
12 JAN/FEB 2013
new spending programs to guarantee
that populations around the world
are protected from the effects of the
very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to
stunning UN documents examined by
Fox News.
The main goal of the much-touted,
Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development, scheduled
to be held in Brazil from June 20-23,
and which Obama Administration
officials have supported, is to make
dramatic and enormously expensive
changes in the way that the world does
nearly everything—or, as one of the
documents puts it, ‘a fundamental
shift in the way we think and act’.
• More than $2.1 trillion a year in
wealth transfers from rich countries
to poorer ones, in the name of fostering ‘green infrastructure’, ‘climate
adaptation’ and other ‘green economy’
• New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about
$250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of
Gross Domestic Product by 2020.
Other environmental taxes are men-
tioned, but not specified.
• Major global social spending programs, including a ‘social protection
floor’ and ‘social safety nets’ for the
world’s most vulnerable social groups
for reasons of ‘equity’.
• Even more social benefits for
those displaced by the green economy
revolution—including those put out
of work in undesirable fossil fuel
industries. The benefits, called ‘investments’, would include ‘access to nutritious food, health services, education,
training and retraining, and unemployment benefits’.
But the whopping green ‘investment’ list barely scratches the surface
of the mammoth exercise in global
social engineering that is envisaged
in the UN documents, prepared by the
Geneva-based United Nations Environmental Management Group (UNEMG),
a consortium of 36 UN agencies,
development banks and environmental
bureaucracies, in advance of the
Rio session.
But even so, the tools are intended
for only one final aim. And they have
the full endorsement of UN Secretary