[Encore] Millennial Business and Life Mastery Magazine - Barbados 002 [Encore] Millennial Mastery Business and Life Mast | Page 29
Top 30 Millennial Bajan Entrepreneurs Under 30
posting about my businesses, fashion, Reading Programme
and various ventures. Persons interested in those listed nich-
es then tuned in for my insights and motivation. I now use the
skills and knowledge I possess in marketing and brand build-
ing, to assist companies and personal brand builders to reach
their ultimate success. I am truly and humbly appreciative of
all the support on and offline!
3.) What are some of the results that you have seen since
the establishment of your company and your charity?
Gabrielle Davida Gay
GDG Marketing Media has grown exponentially! We pro-
vide social media and traditional media marketing for per-
sonal brand builders, companies and businesses. We have
produced high performing campaigns for Port Ferdinand Bar-
bados, JORD Luxury Watches, Colgate Palmolive, Innovate
Barbados 2018, Rotaract Barbados and so much more! We
are pleased to offer disruptive digital strategy to all of our cli-
The Gabrielle Gay Award for Excellence in Reading and
Literacy Mentorship Programme is the first, largest, and only
reading and rewards Programme in Barbados. The Pro-
gramme runs in all 91 participating primary schools, all par-
ticipating 29 secondary schools and in The Barbados Com-
munity College, with regional and global expansion en route.
It has been awarded by both the Ministry of Youth National
Youth Award and the prestigious Queens Young Leaders Pro-
gramme, which celebrates exceptional Youth Leaders from
across the Commonwealth leading change across the world.
1.) Who is Gabrielle (describe yourself)?
I am an enthusiastic, intellectually engaging and interac-
tive Television/Event Host, Law Student, Philanthropist, Moti-
vational Speaker, Brand Ambassador and Entrepreneur!
2.) How did your personal brand and your charity come
The Gabrielle Gay Trophy for Excellence in Reading
and Literacy Mentorship Programme began when I made a
conscious decision to wholeheartedly contribute to the fur-
therance of literacy and the underlining of its importance in
Barbados. Armed with my mother’s blessing, - and the gusto
of an energetic 13 year old – it began humbly in 2003 in five
schools, using my small allowance. Fifteen years later it has
exploded across the intellectual landscape, solidifying the im-
portance of Literacy in over 100 schools nationally and glob-
ally, with a reach of over 100,000 students annually!
My personal brand began when I decided to utilize social
media as a platform for my various pursuits. I use social me-
dia to promote positivity and my endeavors to a reach of over
100,000 people weekly. It was all very organic, I simply began
Millennial Business and Life Mastery Magazine
4.) What in your opinion are some of the main differences
between millennials and previous generations when it comes
to business?
I can definitely say that we are risk takers! I believe in
taking calculated risks. We are the masters of our destinies,
so if an opportunity arises : grasp it with both hands! Prior
generations are much more traditional in their approach and
are slow to change. I believe in the value of tradition, but we
must incorporate innovation at every step to achieve maxi-
mum success.
5.) Fun lightning round:
Coke or Sprite: Sprite
Hunter or gatherer: Hunter
Favourite early 2000’s song: This is a hard one!
Favourite Caribbean sweet treat: Tamarind balls (specifi-
cally this anonymous brand that sold on my past college cam-
pus, that I’ve never been able to find again. Ah, the nostalgia!)
Facebook or Instagram? Definitely Instagram is my per-
sonal preference but Facebook is still highly valuable!