Dear Readers ,
We publish our 24th Edition of the Encaustic Arts Magazine with great enthusiasm . As the years go by , readership deepens , and the countries we are read in expand . A global encaustic / wax interest remains strong as artists continue to venture into the art of wax .
Those involved with this magazine publication process appreciate the need for artistic expression and the balance it affords us in these continued challenging times . We thank you for your continued subscriptions and applaud our loyal advertisers .
Our goal remains to present the leading edge of design and the exciting experimentation of wax in mixed mediums . Global and artists based in North America collaborate to generously share their work , techniques , and personal stories with you .
I hope that ART , in whatever form , inspires your imagination and sends creative ripples in the big pond .
Adrienne Mehrens Publisher / Encaustic Arts Magazine Managing Director / Encaustic Art Institute , Museum of Encaustic Art
Mehrens @ eainm . com